I see asanas as an artist. The art of sequencing like painting a blank canvas, so many combinations and permutations. And within each asana, through the use of props, there are again so many combinations and permutations....ways of experiencing the richness each pose has to offer. Some people see asanas as physical manifestations. I see them as ethereal. Some people see asanas through the muscles, bones and joints. I mostly see them as painting an awakening. While I understand the importance of anatomy and physiology, I cannot help but view asanas as swirls of colors dancing and melding together.
There are so many different shapes the body can create through an asana. A most common one is the letter 'L'! For example: Ardha Uttanasana, Dandasana, Urdhva Hasta Dandasana, Urdhva Prasarita Padasana, concave back Uttanasana, concave back Padangushtasana, Ardha Halasana, Paripoorna Navasana, Ardha Sirsasana, Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana Why is this L shape is so important? And why does it keep reappearing in so many of the asanas? Because through the L shapes our bodies become more in tune and start to readjust the bad postural habits we may have accumulated. There is a strong lifting action created in the torso, we begin to understand the length of our spine and the line of our sides, we begin to understand what the action of the legs do and what their inaction does not do. We begin to understand what is the foundation and although the shape remains the same what actions change or remain the same. Unbeknownst to us the magical letter L starts to transform and re-shape our dull bodies to ones with purpose, strength, and in fact greater flexibility. This magical letter L that reappears can save people from problems of the digestive system- indigestion and acidity to name a few. L shaped asanas also aide in strengthening the core. So many magical things can be seen and uncovered in the world of asanas. There is a beauty to Guruji's work that creates a strong foundation from the beginning through asanas and sequencing. As he said, "Yoga is an art, a science, a philosophy" . It is a kaleidoscopic journey through true beauty.
November 2016