Happy Holidays! Here is the sequence to practice while I am in India. Those of you that have not taken some of these asanas please do not try them at home. Practice from the sequence ONLY what you have done already done in a class. If you are not sure what the pose is, look it up either in Light on Yoga or online. Find things you can use at home as props, for example: holding the sides of the chair for your Adho Mukha Svanasana. Hint- the wall is an excellent prop.
Tadasana Gomukhasana- arms only Paschim Baddha Hastasana Paschim Namaskarasana Uttanasana- concave back Vrksasana Utkatasana Garudasana Uttitha Parsvakonasana Ardha Chandrasana Uttanasana Trikonasana Parivrtta Trikonasana Prasarita Padottanasana Parsvottanasana Virabhadrasana I Parivrtta Parsvakonasana- Uttanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana Parighasana Virasana Parsva Virasana Dandasana Janu Sirsasana Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana Paschimottasana Marichiyasana I- twisting only Marichiyasana I full pose Marichiyasana III Supta Virasana Supta Baddhakonasana Chatush Padasana- strap around the ankles, hands holding the strap Shoulderstand OR Shoulderstand on the chair- you need to have enough blankets under the shoulders, otherwise do no practice Setubandha Sarvangasana Lying down with the calves resting on the chair, blankets under the hips Savasana Be aware, be conscious of what you are doing in your practice. Love and light, Amita
11/25/2016 02:19:33 pm
Dear Amita,
8/22/2017 11:55:05 pm
Hi! Happy holidays! I am very grateful for these asanas. I am sure that they will help me to relax and to fell better. Thank you for sharing and I will be waiting for the news from you.
10/5/2017 09:21:12 am
I wan to practice these asanas. I believe that they will help me to relax and to keep calm. Best wishes for you.
1/18/2018 01:35:46 am
oh, completely agree. when there are holidays, you start paying attention to your house more than at another time. and almost do not rest
3/19/2018 03:42:16 am
I love doing yoga. I started not so long ago and I still can't do any of the hard asanas, but I feel like yoga is just right for me. It's so calming and relaxing. Much better then just sports, when i felt myself so stressed. I hate when it hurts while you're doing sports. That's why yoga is perfect for me.
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November 2016